3Pillar Global’s Elisabeth Beller and Zareen Isaac explained how understanding your gym’s members can create opportunities to increase engagement, improve member retention, and enable upsell opportunities to drive revenue during a pre-Summit webinar hosted by the Motionsoft Technology Summit.
You can view the webinar here => https://youtu.be/sKmY-pLor4U
Key Takeaways:
- We all need to start asking the right questions of members from club operators, GMs, sales leads as well as member managers so that we stop making assumptions about what is best for gym members and start engaging members directly by asking questions to create a shared understanding about what’s important to them.
- Approaching technology with a member-centric mindset supports member experience design that meet members’ needs and expectations while motivating them to continue on their fitness journey while deepening brand affinities and loyalty to the club and the gym staff that are facilitating member-centric experiences.
- A member-centric roadmap was presented along with techniques to better understand members and tips on how to effectively utilize those insights to keep members engaged.