Numbers that matter:
Year founded: 2004
Number of club doors: 2,681
Number of members supported: 8,235,000+
Total assets managed (annual): $3 Billion+
Solutions: Internet-ready club software, integrated billing, revenue recovery
Most coveted industry award: 2011 IHRSA Associate Member of the Year
Industries Served
- Single location, multi-unit, and franchise fitness facilities
- Corporate workplace gyms
- Hospital wellness centers
- University recreation and fitness centers
- Certified PCI Compliance
- SSAE 16 SOC Compliance
How is Motionsoft different from other gym software vendors?
Motionsoft provides the leading gym management software bundle in the health and fitness industry with location-based cost-of-ownership pricing intended to help operators and owners manage their financial operations by knowing the exact cost of their bundled gym management software solution each month.
The Motionsoft gym management software bundle includes 28 software applications.
Motionsoft’s software is available to customers over the Internet using a standardized SaaS (Software as a Service) solution hosted in the cloud with the extensibility to allow universities, hospitals, hotels and spas and on-site corporate facilities for employees a high degree of configuration and customization to fit their specific member management software and billing needs.
Customers can choose to leverage Motionsoft’s bundled club management software and secure industry-leading billing and payment processing and or accounts receivables management, back office support, or our full-service member management solution.